Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Broken Leg

When I was 5 years old, I broke my left leg. My brother Monroe and I were running down the street to our uncle's home. Monroe ran across the street and I (Jerry) ran after him, and Pete Johansen, Ina Lee’s grand dad was driving down the street in a Model-T Ford and he accidentally ran over me. He jumped out of the car, scooped me up, and took me to the doctor a couple blocks away. Monroe ran home and told his Mom what had happened. Pete Johansen was nice. He came and visited me every day. I had to lay in bed. There were pulleys that lifted my leg up and down.

1 comment:

  1. Jerry's mother Orilla said that she needed to rehabilitate his leg once it healed because it was so small and weak so she did physical therapy by tieing his feet to the pedals of a tricycle and they would push him around to strengthen his leg.
